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Making the RFL

The hardest part about creating a new sport is understanding what people would be willing to do. From my view I’ve always been an extreme sport enthusiast and I mean I really like extreme events, Red Bull rampage. For example, downhill mountain biking ultra runs the Baja 1000 the Paris Dakar motorcycle races. I was always a huge BMW the car 650 fan back in the day another adventure race that I loved was the eco-games. That’s been a goal of mine to do these types of races, my whole life, but they weren’t really readily available all the time and I wanted to create something to make extreme adventure games more readily available for people to participate in around the country and hopefully one day around the world. So what came to my mind it was a company that I created early on that dealt with promotions in extreme sports and the RFL is an offshoot of that idea, but more refined in its focus for combat sports versus extreme sports in general. I wanted to create a real challenge for combat sport athletes versus just wrestling tournament or just a Jiujitsu tournament or just a Grappling tournament or just a Karate tournament or eight weeks of preparation for just six minutes in the ring for a tie fight I wanted to create something to where people when they did get involved and did commit the training they would get one or two full days of complete competition, very similar to what people witness with the CrossFit games. The importance of this to me is to make sure that people can be tested on multiple levels not just a singular level not just jujitsu not just wrestling not just one thing but multiple real and hard earned skills.  The RFL to me is a combination of everything that it takes to be a good combat athlete and simultaneously the combination of everything that I think it takes to be a good father the they do behind that is you don’t have to be perfect at all of these things are one of these things, but by doing all three of these things you become a pretty well-rounded person and I know swimming is important in many cases for cardiovascular endurance and it is definitely a skill of its own. we haven’t included that yet. There is plans on, including swimming in the NFL but for now this is what we can manage. The goal is to build this program up and give people the opportunity to compete in something as substantial as an MMA fight grappling tournament a major running event, all combined in a track meet like appearance. My goal for the RFL is to expand. This swear hundreds of people have the opportunity to participate and expand and grow their personal self to become more than they were prior to the RFL I want to see people become great. I want to see people inspire their children I wanna see people do things with their life that inspire other people to do things with their life as well it’s hard for me to put in the words, but I believe this could be an incredibly successful business with the help of the athletic community and offering that athletic community an amazing outlet in the multi faceted form now the RFL isn’t only the sport aspect. The NFL is also the marketing aspect so everybody that competes with us gets major marketing efforts put after them you compete in the tournaments you get articles written about you you win the tournaments you get mini documentaries made about you. We’re really pushing forward to really get the efforts of the average individual that participates in our events out there so the world can see who they are. This is a lot with the aura feels about we want to make it to where when people sponsor you it makes sense to sponsor repeatedly the athlete or the individual so the RFL is going to step in if the people would like and really make sure that all the sponsorship opportunities that you’re given are met with amazing marketing so those sponsors want to continue to sponsor that athlete it’s important I think to represent athletes in a marketing form, because not everybody’s a marketing expert but that’s something that we can help take over so the athletes become represented in a more efficient way than simply find your own sponsors. Give them a shout out periodically and hope they want to sponsor you again because personally, I believe that sponsoring fighters, for the most part is not good money spent for marketing or for getting your name out there as a sponsor what I do think would work is if a professional organization such as the RFL took over and marketed for that company and still allowed the athlete to get paid for their efforts for the training and for their competition so in one way the RFL is a Tournaments form and the other way the Oreville is absolutely similar to Red Bull and that it’s a multimedia marketing firm This is the new face of combat sports in America and soon if everything goes right, the world.

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